Job Search Lives Up to Its Name

Job Search Lives Up to Its Name

by admin

Take your quest for employment anywhere you go with’s Job Search app, which has some of the most comprehensive listings in the market.

The employment rate (or lack of it) is a major news topic for a reason: it’s increasingly difficult in these lean times to find a job. Seasoned job seekers know they have to explore all avenues in finding work, and technology can give many a major boost. Though most people are familiar with looking for work on websites, job search apps are still a new outlet for many. But this sector of the market is beginning to bustle, with the Job Search app being a standout example of an on-the-go tool able to do almost anything a website can.

What’s the App?

Job Search, offered by employment website for iOS and Android, may not have the catchiest, most memorable name in the market, but it does exactly what it sets out to do: offers “free access to millions of jobs from thousands of company websites and job boards,” according to Indeed. It hooks up to Indeed’s comprehensive search engine, which parses listings from 50 different countries in 26 languages, making it a truly global resource.

The app itself is simple to use: you can search for jobs by title and place in a simple interface. The results can be filtered to show either all the jobs available for a search, or just new ones, useful for long-running job hunts. In a nice touch, the app remembers recent searches, and you can save and e-mail favorite job postings to yourself for later use. You can also view and apply for listings directly though the app itself, but many job seekers will likely want to wait until they have their cover letters written and resumes finessed before doing so.

The simple visual format and clean interface isn’t dazzling by any means, but it loads quickly, keeping the app robust and functional even when returning thousands of listings. Shuffling through potentially large lists of job possibilities, however, can be a bit onerous — it could be useful in future versions to include the ability to filter listings by more criteria, such as proximity to home, salary requirements, or other factors, similar to the Indeed website itself.

You’ll Want It If…

You’re looking for a job and it’s a 24/7 kind of concern — the kind where you obsessively check your phone for e-mail and messages from prospective jobs.

It’s Not My Thing — What Else Ya Got?

Though the Job Search app is comprehensive and simple, it really is just a mobile version of the Indeed website. It doesn’t really take advantage of the social networking or interactivity that an app allows for, or integrate many mobile advantages into its features. An app like JobMo, for example, integrates with Google Maps and offers advice and tips in the job search, and users praise the app for its simplicity and user interface.

Job Search also seems to focus more on permanent positions, but if you’re looking for short-term or contract work, the popular app Gigwalk could be your best bet in one of the few sectors in the employment market to enjoy some semblance of growth. Gigwalk is a likely valuable addition in a multi-pronged employment strategy, allowing users to build their resume and earn money while searching for more permanent work.